Dr. Mandelbaum deals with diseases of the anus and rectum very frequently.
These entities include:
Skin tags
Anal fissures
Anal fistulas
Anal warts
Anal malignancies
Many patients are seen in the office for these problems. Talking about these problems can be embarrassing and intimidating. Dr. Mandelbaum will assist you with any of these issues with a manner that will immediately put you at ease. You will never be judged for your behaviours or blamed for your problems.
In Dr. Mandelbaum’s office you will only find assistance, caring and professionalism.
You will always be treated with dignity and respect.
A significant proportion of medical problems of the anal canal can be treated successfully without an operation and Dr. Mandelbaum will explain all options open to you to help you make the best decision for yourself.
The most important aspect in treating hemorrhoids, fissures and itching is diet.
Most people in Canada consume far less fibre than they should. This is of utmost importance not only for the successful treatment of these problems but for your overall health as well. A proper fibre rich diet can assist in treating diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.
Please click this link to go to our FIBRE AND DIET PAGE.
Fortunately cancers in the area of the anus are quite rare and the vast majority of patients that Dr. Mandelbaum sees in the office for the evaluation of anal problems do not have any cancer at all.
The types of cancer that can present in the area include anal canal cancers, squamous cell cancers of the skin outside the anus, rectal cancers and very rarely melanoma.
There are a number of risk factors that can identify those at higher risk for cancers in this area. These include:
Age (55 and older)
Anal sex
Sexually transmitted diseases
Multiple sex partners
History of HPV-related cancers, especially cervical
Weakened immune system due to HIV, chemotherapy, or having an organ transplant
Prior pelvic radiation therapy for rectal, prostate, bladder, or cervical cancer.
Anyone with a lump, a non-healing area, rectal bleeding without known source, or ongoing pain should be evaluated by a professional such as Dr. Mandelbaum, who is familiar with the area and these diseases.
The most important thing to remember is that in Dr. Mandelbaum’s office you will be treated with the respect you deserve and have competent care delivered in a serious and non-judgemental manner.
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