You need a referral from your family doctor. Once the clinic receives the referral, someone from the office will call to schedule an appointment.

If you are coming back within one year for the same problem you do not need a referral.

The hospital is located at 3030 Lawrence Ave E., but it can be a bit tricky to find the Parking garage and the Main Entrance. Click on the link below for some great directions.
great directions

The office is located on the 2nd. floor of Medical Mall on the north side of the Scarborough General Hospital. The elevator to the second floor is located just behind the Tim Horton’s cafe.

Clear liquids include water, tea or coffee without cream or milk, clear broth, sport drinks like GatorAide, clear soda like 7-UP or Sprite or light ginger ale, Jello

We know things happen in life that can be problematic. Although we don’t encourage anyone to miss an appointment with a specialist, we understand. If you have to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact the office ASAP. This allows for other people to be fit into the schedule and allows you to get the your next appointment as fast a possible.
Reschedule Appointment

If you’re having a colonoscopy or endoscopy, you only need to arrive at the hospital 1 hr ahead of your procedure time. However, if you are having surgery, we recommend that you arrive 2 hours prior to the scheduled time.

Ideally you should have someone (a relative or a friend) stay with you for a period of time after anaesthesia and surgery. One reason for this is because the effects of the operation may limit your physical activity. You may need assistance with everyday things, such as washing and dressing.


Most regular medications should be taken at your usual time with a sip of water before you have any procedure. This is particularly the case for blood pressure medication, medication for epilepsy and heart medications.

DIABETES medications are different.

If you take pills for diabetes they SHOULD NOT be taken before the procedure. Examples of diabetes pills include metformin, gliclazide, invokana, jardiance, ozempic.

If you take insulin in the morning, you should take one half your regular insulin dose before the procedure.

Please check your blood sugars at your regular times. If it is low, or you feel like it is low, it is ok to have some clear juice immediately.

BLOOD THINNING MEDICATION such as, apixaban (Eliquis), dabigatran (Pradaxa), edoxaban (Lixiana), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), warfarin (Coumadin) or Plavix are usually stopped prior to most procedures. If Dr. Mandelbaum has not given you clear instructions at the time you agreed to the procedure please contact the office.

Over the wounds will be an outer dressing and an inner dressing. The outer dressing should be removed after approximately 48 hours and at this time you can shower. Dap the wounds dry with some paper towel and a new outer dressing can be placed if you like.

Do not submerge in a bath for 1 week. The inner dressing which are little sticky tapes called Steri-Strips should be left on until they start to peel off which is usually by 2 weeks. At this point you can peel them off.

Covid tests are not currently required to enter the hospital. If you are sick you should stay home. Check the hospital’s website shn.ca for up to date visitors information.