Dr Mandelbaum will give you the time you require to understand thoroughly your illness, investigation and/or procedure. Your comprehension is a necessary and vital part of your care. Healing is significantly easier and outcomes are improved when a person is truly a partner in their own care.
A diagnostic endoscopic gastroscopy is a procedure that visualizes the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract down to the duodenum.
Colonoscopy is a procedure that allows the physician to look directly at the lining of your large bowel (colon) and remove growths (polyps) with a long flexible tube called a colonoscope
A gallbladder needs to be removed when it is causing pain. Gallbladders cause pain when gallstones within the gallbladder block the exit of the bile from the gallbladder.
There are many different types of abdominal hernias with many different names that can be confusing. An abdominal hernia is essentially a hole in the muscle of the abdomen that allows some tissue from inside the abdomen to protrude through.
Dr. Mandelbaum helped bring laparoscopic colon surgery to Scarborough General Hospital. He performs operations for cancer, diverticulitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Dr. Mandelbaum has a wide experience with both malignant and benign breast diseases and welcomes referrals for investigation and treatment.
Dr. Mandelbaum regularly performs many procedures under local anesthetic at Scarborough General Hospital. These procedures include biopsies, removal of cysts, lipomas, foreign bodies, moles, infected stitches and other superficial lesions.
Toenail problems commonly walk gingerly into Dr. Mandelbaum's office.
He can help you to put your best foot forward.
Many patients are seen in the office for these problems. Talking about these problems can be embarrassing and intimidating. Dr. Mandelbaum will assist you with any of these issues with a manner that will immediately put you at ease.
When hairs get trapped under the skin in between the buttock cheeks infection and discharge will result. Come into the office and see how Dr. Mandelbaum can improve your situation.
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